Wooden shed

Miroslava Čechová Školní blog

The school closes next week due to the summer holiday and  I am anxiously waiting for the day.

I am coming home from school with my school report in my backpack. There are lots of entertaining things that I am planning to do during the summer but there is one I am looking forward the most. Since I am kinda skillfull in wood working (at least my parents keep to claim) I am going to continue to build my first wooden shelter. I have been planning to construct the „wooden shed“ for more than two years. Now, it is the right time to do it. I can use the knowledge I have gained in technical subjects at our school.

Of course I am going to relax a lot. I could not write it at the beginning. The construction should take only the part of my holiday in summer.

What about your summer holiday?

Jiří Hovora